ORTV Timeline

  • 1960 Doris Brougham

    Founded ORTV in 1960.

    • Overseas Radio & Television, Inc. is founded by Doris Brougham, Lee & Dorothy Haggerty, and Tang Ju-chian.
    • Seattle office established.
    • Radio broadcasts begin, broadcast on 9 radio stations around the island.
    • Heavenly Melodies singing group established, releases first Chinese Gospel album Gospel Hymns.

    Doris Brougham, Lee & Dorothy Haggerty 中華救世廣播團 舊址:中山北路二段
  • 1962 Studio Classroom begins radio broadcasts.

    • Name changes to Overseas Radio & Television, Inc. (ORTV)
    • Studio Classroom begins radio broadcasts.
    • Shoot first 16 mm film, in color, Planting Seeds (30 minutes) .

  • 1963 Heavenly Melodies’ music program is broadcast on TV

    • Heavenly Melodies’ music program is broadcast on TV
    • Heavenly Melodies changes name to Heavenly Melody

  • 1964天韻開始國外旅行佈道

    1964 Heavenly Melody performs concerts abroad

    • Heavenly Melody performs concerts abroad (From 1964-2009, Heavenly Melody performs in 27 countries)

  • In 1965, ORTV was constructed in Dazhi.

    • In 1965, ORTV was constructed in Dazhi.
    • First Youth Rally, a live music and English evening once a week.

  • Studio Classroom wins Golden Bell Award

    • Studio Classroom wins Golden Bell Award from the Ministry of Education’s Council for Cultural Affairs
