Studio Classroom Showcases Digital Products at EdTech Taiwan

「Lucy Says創意互動英語教材」讓孩子勇敢開口說英語。

From November 9 to 12, Studio Classroom joined EdTech Taiwan 2023, an exhibition showcasing the latest technology used in the education sector. More than 10,000 teachers attended the exhibition, and more than 350,000 attended all the exhibitions held during Taiwan’s Information Month.

Studio Classroom exhibited its wide range of digital products, including VR headsets, an AI vocabulary-learning app, and Lucy Says learning system for elementary schools. It held 20 salon talks specifically tailored for teachers on a range of topics including how to use EMI in the classroom and using games to teach English. Many of the teachers who attended the talks said the talks were highly useful, they learned new ideas they can easily implement in their classrooms.

We look forward to meeting more teachers and education enthusiasts in next year’s exhibition!

「Lucy Says創意互動英語教材」讓孩子勇敢開口說英語。

「Lucy Says創意互動英語教材」讓孩子勇敢開口說英語。








